

Hope Housing, Bridlington

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 10th December 2024 @7pm

Emmanuel Church, Bridlington


Please help us to continue our work with homeless people in Bridlington by making a donation.

There are two ways that you can make a donation.

Online Payments

You can make a secure one-off, or recurring, donation to Hope Housing, Bridlington by simply clicking the button below.




Cheque Payment

If you would like to make a donation by cheque please make your cheque payable to Hope Housing, Bridlington and send it to:

Hope Housing, Emmanuel Church, Cardigan Road, Bridlington. YO15 3JT.


Regular Donations

Could you consider making a regular donation to us?

Like you, if we know how much money’s coming in every month, then we know how much can go out. A regular donation to Hope Housing can help us to plan long-term and ensure that we can help as many people as we can in the months and years to come.

One way that you can give regularly to support our work is by becoming a Champion of Hope or a Friend of Hope Housing. Please see the links on the side of this page for further details of these schemes.


Thank you for supporting our work, we are truly grateful to you.

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